{ Posted on 2:10 PM by Lud }

Commando Fitness Camp (Read More)

Commando Fitness Camp ebook
As you may know boot camps are big business. They have been seen as a quick way for trainers to make more money and work less hours and I’m all for that.
But the trouble with boot camp, it has allowed for personal trainers to get away with shoddy program design and worse still has stopped most trainers from even assessing their potential boot camp clients. To me that is just a recipe for disaster.
But worse still there are guru’s selling boot camp programs on the internet who have never run a single boot camp session in their life. That can’t be right!
Now that’s all fine and dandy in my books and it is nice to have a full camp but you are going to come unstuck if you don’t have the skillset to coach all your boot campers. First become brilliant at what you do before you get carried away with your marketing.
We became personal trainers to help people change their lives. To do that we need to know what it is the client wants but more importantly we need to know where the client is coming from. We find this out through our initial assessment. As a personal trainer you would or at least should carry out some kind of health assessment with every single one of your one to one clients. That assessment should cover their current health, medical health, static postural assessment and some kind of movement screen. The gold standard of postural assessments is the Kinetic Chain Assessment course.
Since I attended my Level 1 KCA course I was looking for ways to integrate the assessment protocols into my boot camp training system and as I progressed up to KCA Level 3, I have developed what is now the Commando Fitness Camp Blueprint.
The Commanod Fitness Camp blueprint lays out the exact methods that I have used to grow my Commando Fitness Camp from one client to over one hundred within the 12 months.
Inside I uncover:
  • Exactly what Boot Camp is, and more specifically what it isn’t.
  • How I incorporate the skills learned as a Kinetic Chain Specialist into group assessments. Remember you should be assessing your clients health, not guessing.
  • The exact assessment protocol I use with every single boot camp prospect. I guide you through each of the movement screens I do with my boot camp prospects.
  • The training templates I use to design my boot camp training programs. Boot Camp originally started out as an affordable way for clients to work with a trainer. My boot camp training programs reflect the priciples I use with my one to one clients.
  • 16 week progressive boot camp training program, that takes you from day 1 week through 16 weeks of training so you don’t have to plan a thing. These are the programs that have had my clients lose up to 22lb in 4 weeks!
  • The rationale for every one of the 16 week training programs. I don’t just give you a bunch of exercises and say get on with it, I give you my reason why I wrote the program the way I did.
  • 24 Done for you Boot Camp workouts as I use in my boot camps to get phenominal results.
Commando Fitness Camp Blueprint
Commando Fitness Camp Blueprint 2Commando Fitness Camp Blueprint 3

Need to get in shape? start a fitness walking program

{ Posted on 12:59 PM by Lud }

a program will help you getting in shape

If you want to get into shape the best way is to start a fitness walking program. Walking is very good exercise and can be done by most people, regardless of their prior activity level. One of the best things about walking is that you don't have to buy expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of walking shoes, some comfortable clothing and the ambition to finally get into shape.

The hardest part about walking is getting started. But it is very easy. Just put on your shoes and exercise clothes and walk out the door. Start out by walking for about ten minutes and then gradually increase your time. You need to walk at a pace that gets your heart rate up but doesn't make you so out of breath that you can't talk. It is important that you do stretching exercises before you walk. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated and to flush the toxins out of your system.

Many new walkers will experience shin pain. The way to avoid this is to increase your speed and distance gradually. Take it slow to allow your legs time to get used to walking. Wear a good, flexible walking shoe with a low heel. Do some research online for the best walking shoe before you buy. Do stretching exercises, focusing on the calves and shins, after you walk. Do ankle circles and toe points before and after walking.

Be aware of your posture when you walk. You want to hold your head up with your eyes straight forward. Tighten your abdominal muscles and your butt muscles. Keep your shoulders back and breathe deeply. Walk with a natural stride and a good enough pace to get your heart pumping.

Focus on the benefits of walking to help you stay motivated. Walking will help you burn calories and slim your waistline. It can reduce stress and lower your blood pressure. Walking can reduce your cholesterol and reduce your risk for heart disease, diabetes and stroke. It will tone your legs and butt. The endorphins that are released while walking are natural mood enhancers that can help with depression and improve your outlook on life.

Eat a healthy balanced diet in addition to walking each day. Following a fad diet is a setup for failure. It is important to change your lifestyle and eating habits. Your meals should consist of healthy food choices such as fruits and vegetables. You should have a healthy snack in between meals to keep your metabolism in high gear. Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and performing well.

Walking is one of the best forms of exercise you can do. The time to start is now. You have a choice. You can either sit on your butt and talk about starting an exercise program or you can get up and get out the door and start walking. You are the only one that has the ability to change your life.

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